05 July, 2012

Indian Ear Candle Dense Therapeutics

It was said that the indingenes in the ancient Indians tribes in North America  put straws  into their ears  and then burnt  them during the ritual of body cleaning when they sacrificed. After having done this, everyone felt comfortable and clearheaded. So they believed that this could cure many diseases and exorcise demons. Later this my sterious and ancient natural therapeutics was discovered by the Europeans who immigrated into North American. They applied this therapeutics to medications.
The history of Indian Ear Candle Dense Therapeutics dates back the thousands of years ago, from ancient Egypt, Indian and Tibet to modern Europe. Now this therapeutics formally introduce into medical courses in Germany.
In late 18th century, Canadian dipped course cloth into mugwort juice, rolled it into cylinder, and then smeared it with aromatherapy oil. This became the first Ear Candle. Ear Candle's marvelors curative effect was proved when the Indians use this therapeutics on ear disease to cleanse soul, balance airstreams in head, regulate metabolism in the body.
PRICE: Php150.00

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