19 August, 2012

XINGSHA Fish Liver Oil capsules Php250.00

 Product Description

Place of Origin: China Brand Name: Xingsha
Detailed Product Description
Ingredients:  Each gram of liquid contains Cod liver oil 200mg. Supplementary materials
are vegetable oil, benzoic acid, sapn-80, emulsion adhesive, tween-80, glycerol,
purified water.
Description:  A milk white to slightly yellow viscous liquid; odor and sweet tasty.
Pharmacology and toxicity:  Vitamin A and D are essential elements for the growth
of human body. Particularly playing an important role for the growth of embryo,
infants and young children, the perfection of epithelial tissue, eyesight, reproduction
organ, the stability of blood calcium and phosphorus, and also for the growth
of bones and tooth. 
Side effect:  A chronic toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of Vitamin A
and D, in the primary stage, characterized by arthrodynia, tumefaction, pruritus,
oral lip seasoning check, flabbiness, fever, headache, sicking up, constipation,
diarrhea and nausea.
-500 Capsules, BFAD Registered  
Whole Sale: min of 10 bottles,  Php200